Monthly Archives: November 2010

It’s Finally Over…

The entire Bristol’s Pistols campaign has come to an end. She can now go home to Alaska (not sure if they want her…) and Momma Grizzly. America will live another day and watch another Palin lose a voting campaign (probably in 2012).

Ever the gracious loser, Bristol had this to say:

“Winning this would mean a lot — it would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me,”

Umm…well, maybe she wasn’t that gracious! So much for her appearance on the show being “non-political”, too!

Meanwhile, the conservative internet is all a-twitter with complaints that the legitimate winner of Dancing With the Stars, Jennifer Grey, held the upper hand in the dance competition, nah…they’re calling it cheating…by taking pain relieving medications.

It takes a lot of nerve to make this accusation, but after the Facebook Fiasco, I wouldn’t put anything beyond the smear campaign capabilities of The Wasilla Hillbillies. Next thing you know is they’ll be accusing Grey of having an unfair advantage because she danced in a movie 25 years ago. Wait. Nevermind!

“Don’t forget that Bristol was “cheated” out of winning. That will be on the ‘net soon. Either twitter or FB.”
Meanwhile, I shared the results of our test of the voting process on The Huffington Post:
As an experiment for the @boycottDWTS campaign on Twitter, I managed 174 successful votes for Grey and Massey Monday and Tuesday morning, all from the same IP and using fake email addresses.

Obviously there is a serious glitch to the system. Producer Conrad Green can deny all he wants (all the while continuing his donations to Republican candidates) but this is a problem that will cost ABC in the future without massive changes to the voting system.

I suggest doing away with internet voting and allow phone/text voting for a fixed block of time; say 3 hours; in order to give those who work hard at the dancing (and don’t have a popular political figure as their mother who enjoys the support of fringe reactionaries) earn a win.

Ever the smart ones, one of Bristol’s supporters had this to say (I’ve left all the spelling and grammatical errors in):
So you admit trying to che at the system. What a set of values you have. The amount of energy expended by the mor0ns of the world is amazing. It really is sad the amount of vitriol and hate that emminates from a disgust ing group of people who have no shame in propagating what is wrong in the first place.
Yeah you cloaked your h ate and igno rance in an experiment.
Thanks for proving our point!

Sarah’s New Book

Courtesy of my friend AkSyrin (the premiere Palin Blogger) and the renowned Palingates here’s a look at the crazy, bigoted, strage mind of Sarah Palin in her new book, “America By Heart”. Just think how much money you’ll save by not buying it*!

Many thanks to Syrin and Palingates for their dedicated work in exposing the truth about The Wasilla Hillbillies.

Here’s a sneak peek. Be sure to visit Syrin’s Blog and Palingates for “the rest of the story”! and to read more of Palin’s book! 

Sarah Palin's New Book: Leaked Excerpts

Well, look what popped up five days early: leaks from Sarah Palin‘s forthcoming memoir/manifesto, America By Heart, in which the reality TV matriarch rants against “talent deprived” reality TV stars, lauds daughter Bristol’s chastity, and celebrates not aborting Trig.

Our favorite Wasilla-obsessed blog Palingates was the first to post excerpts from America By Heart. The book is currently in distribution centers, awaiting its official release on Tuesday. We got our hands on some of the pages, too! Here’s an annotated guide to our favorite parts, featuring rants against the media and new material about Bristol and Levi.

The book is dedicated to Trig, and opens with a Tea Party “awakening”:

Click to view larger image:

Sarah Palin's New Book: Leaked Excerpts

Click to view larger image:
Sarah Palin's New Book: Leaked Excerpts

* Although the book is available for FREE by (go figure) Newsmax (just pay 5.95 shipping and handling!), and $16.53 (really!) at Amazon, may I suggest you donate $20.00 to the DCCC instead?

Bristol’s Pistols: Cheating Scandal?

OK. I wasn’t planning to post anything about the most recent scandal regarding the out-of-control white trash Palin children. You know, the one where Willow gets all high and mighty on Facebook, spewing profanities and homophobic remarks towards a non-fan of her mother’s docu-comedy Sarah Palin’s Alaska (of course, older sister and role model Bristol had to chime in too! The kids were spitting out words, to use an old cliche’, that would make a sailor blush!

I’ve noted recently on this blog and elsewhere the misadventures of the Wasilla Hillbillies, whether it be the female patriarch of the gang of underage, unwed, dropout, drunken, and drugged-out ne’er do wells, Sarah Palin; her flat-footed dancing sensation single Mom and erstwhile abstinenance advocate unwed mom Bristol, or the 16 year old booze-swilling, home trashing Willow and her escapades with The Colony Girls.

I’ve also noted Bristol’s meteoric rise to infamy on Dancing With the Stars (a. She can’t dance b. She’s not a star. She’s the daughter of a half-term, half-witted, half of a failed political team.)

Even with the success of my Twitter campaign (#boycottDWTS), Bristol just keeps getting the votes to cruise through to the finale of Dancing With the Stars with little or no regard for talent.  Side note: Why don’t they just drop the pretense and call it Dancing With the Non-Stars next season? If the show’s still around…)

Today, we find the reason for Bristol’s success on Dancing With the Stars.

Seems like a conservative Tea Party web site, HillBuzz, and Private Messages sent through both Bristol’s official (and unofficial) Facebook page, exploited a glitch in the email voting mechanism at ABC; allowing for unlimited voting for their darling Bristol.

But what isn’t widely known is the evidence—via message board comments on some conservative sites—that this mobilization involves fixing this (albeit meaningless) election through a technical snafu on ABC’s website, which allows Palin’s supporters to cast an infinite number of email votes:

Here’s some of the comments from the cheaters:

Here’s a hint: They don’t have to be VALID email addresses to register them with, there is apparently no validation process. The just have to be formatted like a valid email address, and you must use a valid zip code and a birthdate that makes you old enough to vote. I’m voting like a democrat, all night long…

No, it doesn’t have to be a valid email address – I had one of my anonymous ones that I used, and then just did the sign-up process all over again with and it worked.

Got my 80 votes in online…took 2 hours. I am beat

I only got 42 in, I have some catching up to do!

HillBuzz, Tuesday night had this to say:

“Thank you all for helping Bristol Palin. . . . Just look at Jennifer Grey’s face. . . . Says it all. Our Bristol is in the finale. The woman impersonating Jennifer Grey looked [ticked]. [Brandy] is eliminated and hopefully not allowed to drive herself home. How do we win this for Bristol?”

ABC, in light of this revealation, may change  their voting procedures. How will this bode? We won’t know until next week.

Guilt By Association?

I’m sure the whole world’s wondering what exactly Bristol Palin does while not practicing not falling down on Dancing With the Stars. Aside from thanking all of her Mom’s Teabagger fans for their votes on her official Facebook Page” (Vote for Bristol the Pistol!) and countless phone calls to her Wasilla drinking buddies, she was seen yesterday walking the streets of Hollywood with what appears to be one of, if not the, Best of her BFF’s. A young woman named April Morlock.

Now, you might ask, “Who the hell is April Morlock?” April Morlock is a family friend of the Palin’s from Wasilla, Alaska. She’s remained a family friend even after Bristol’s younger sister Willow and her buddies, otherwise known as the Colony Girls, broke into and trashed a home owned by Morlock’s Wasilla family late last year, ostensibly to score some alcohol for a drunken party. (Note: Willow Palin was 15 years old at the time.)

Why should one care? Seems like the Morlock family has it’s own little sordid history…

Morlock’s brother, you see, is the infamous  Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, now facing Court Martial by the Army for his mindless murder and torture of Afghan civilians. From the NY Daily News:

Videotapes of his interviews with Army investigators surfaced on Monday, in which Morlock details how he and fellow soldiers Calvin Gibbs and Adam Winfield mercilessly targeted civilians.

In one clip, Morlock describes how they forced an innocent man to obey their commands and stand still while they killed him with a grenade.

“We had this guy by the compound, and so Gibbs, you know, walked him out and set him in place, like ‘Hey, stand here,'” Morlock says on the tape, telling the invesigator they had the man stay “where Gibbs could get behind cover after the grenade went off.”

Watch the chilling description of these war crimes:

Why do I care about this? First off: I could care less what or who Bristol Palin “pals around with” while in Hollywood. I could care less that she’s hanging out with the assumed innocent sister of an accused murderer and torturer. I do care that Bristol Palin is the daughter of Sarah Palin, the half-term, half-witted Tea Party darling and aspiring presidential candidate in 2012.

The same Sarah Palin, who, time and time again, has pulled out the ‘GUILT BY ASSOCIATION’ tag, accused our sitting President of “associating with terrorists” and saying: 

“Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

The truth is: Sarah Palin and her husband have ties to the Alaska Independence Party, which supports Alaska’s independence from the United States. She espouses everything Teabaggers want to hear, abstinenance, God and Country, homophobia, and will not hesitate to call anyone she opposes a traitor, or worse…

She’s a hypocrite in every way, shape and form.



Survivor 22: Survivor: Redemption Island


Only halfway into the current season of Survivor: Nicaragua, few details of the next exciting season are being leaked to the outside world. In a stunning reversal of the past two years (when spoilers were rampant but true – and according to rumor, came from the fingers of the wife of a certain two-time recent Survivor loser), little legitimate information about the new season has been spoiled*, although a few critical details appear to be true…

Filmed back-to-back with the current season in Nicaragua, the next season will, according to rumor, bring back two of the most hated, yet loved, players in the game. Actually, make that three.


Hit the break for details…

Continue reading

Truer Words…

I don’t even know who wrote the following. With the exception of the last line, these words express how I feel today:

The Republican Revolution has gone the way of all flesh. It took over Congress, their horns blew, church bells rang, sailors kissed nurses on street corners, celebrated “the biggest repudiation of the White House since 1932.” The Republicans, after all, led us into a reckless foreign war and steered the economy toward receivership and wielded power, influence, and money as if there were no rules. Two short year later, Democrats are accused of bankrupting the country with their stop-gap measures and of not being able to reverse the course of the worst financial catastrophe since the ‘20’s whose seeds were planted well before their time.

Republicans have won based on shallow appeals to fear and lip service to the middle class pocket book—all the while doing nothing substantially different than what gave rise to the narrow oligarchy that really benefits from their policies. Income and wealth are becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small, privileged elite.

As Faulkner said, we are “sinking back into the darkness where the spirit cried for the first time and was not heard and will cry for the last time and will not be heard then either…” ABSALOM!! ABSALOM!!!

…and thus begins one man’s journey into another two years of liberal angst.